This has been a good semester so far. I'm enjoying my class in Data and Computer Communications. It's kind of funny, I imagined that I would take programming classes when I got here, but I'm going to have wound up taking more classes that are more hardware-oriented.
I've been working on Clint's Unicon IDE again this fall. My project has been to integrate UDB, the Unicon De-Bugger, into the IDE in it's own tab, and talking through a pseudo-tty to a the OS. Much learning is taking place. I don't think any of that is going to work on Windows, they don't have pseudo-teletypes as far as I know.
I'm also working on last semester's uncompleted AI projects. I've made progress in my work and my understanding, but also my current understanding is that AI is hard. Actually I'm just doing this post to take a break from the Connect Four project and trying to get minimax plugged into it, with about three supporting methods, so far.
Grad school is stressful, who knew. Still, except for the moments when I just really want out, I'm really glad I'm here.