Sunday, October 30, 2011

Church Hunting

We visited All Souls Christian Church this morning. The pastor is Evan Wilson, and we've been curious about it for a while. I don't know why we have a thing about the Wilsons but we just do. We were nervous about it because once in the summer we were driving past on the way to First Pres and we saw people going in who were better dressed than we were. Well it wasn't so highfalutin as all that. We got there a couple minutes early and were greeted by Rev. Wilson, who knew we were visitors "because you're on time." People were very friendly, we liked everyone we talked to. The service started with some hymns as people were wandering in. After the first one the rest were requests shouted from the congregation. That how prayer requests were done too, except for the shouting. Then the prayers themselves were offered, as people were led ( men and women, unremarkable and non-controversial, but almost counter-cultural in parts of this town, i.e. Doug's church across town.) Scripture reading came next, and break. We trooped downstairs, got some coffee (churches here aren't going to spring for actual cream, it's all powder all the time, but the coffee wasn't bad. Or maybe it was and I've just acclimatised.) and chatted some more. Fifteen minutes later and Evan herded us back upstairs for the sermon. And it was a pretty good sermon. A good hard look at Hezekiah and how you can get into trouble when you get too attached to your life and your stuff and your comfort. It was definitely not a Presbyterian service, though it was a pleasant example of doing things decently if in no particular order. All in all, we had a blast.

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